What was it like in Beijing before, during, and after the opening ceremony?

I live near the olympic village (not the bird nest, but the 冬奥村--the buildings/compound where the athletes are staying), the roads near my place (because it's the the main road that the athletes and other important participants/media/etc. will be taking for ceremony) got traffic controlled from early afternoon (around 3-4pmish?) until late night (after the ceremony finish).

Traffic police, a lot of traffic police (and police cars), redirecting traffic and got asked by people whether or not they can get through.

Fireworks can be heard even with windows closed.

I stayed home and didnt go out (just in case of the hassle when I need to go home) until 11pm. When I went out, the road in front of my place -which rarely has any traffic- was just jammed, most likely due to roads being traffic controlled again after the ceremony. I saw some cars with the "Beijing 2022" stickers on it, but not sure who the passengers are. Went to convenient stores, around 20 minutes walk one-way, and by the time I came back home (midnight ish), there was no traffic left.

Overall, busy night. It's sad to see some people that helped made the ceremony go smoothly didn't get to see it live.

/r/beijing Thread