What in the natural world requires Allah to exist?

Don't worry, it's very difficult to offend me.

To answer to your reply:

"Let's assume we can see God's presence, what would happen to the world, to us? I'm gonna assume, nobody's going to do anything, because we'd be too afraid."

I would assume I'm having a medical crisis, because I'm seeing something that does not seem to relate to the current state of the natural world. In other words, I'd assume I'm hallucinating.

"Nobody's gonna steal anything, no one's going to lie, everybody's not sinning and doing all good deeds, we're all good."

These assumptions are likely, if we are all afraid. But I think I'd be afraid I'd need medical attention, first and foremost.

"And that would certainly fit your 2nd argument, that we're here only to reproduce and die, and nothing is waiting for us after death, no heaven no punishments because we can only do good things. We're robots (dibs on me being Ironhide)"

My point was that historically, we are only here to reproduce before we die. In a real sense, that's not neccessarily the case: we don't have to reproduce before we die. But as a consequence, we go extinct. That's why much more than 99% of all animal species that we have ever found to have existed, are now extinct. That is also our fate at some point in time. It is only logical that the animals who have the strongest urge and skills to reproduce before they die, are the ones still around today.

We have no reason to assume anything is waiting for us after death indeed. We have no reason to believe it'll be a different experience from before we were conceived.

I'd argue that being controlled by prospects of an afterlife is what makes us robots, in the sense that we simply abide by what we fear.

"However, that would defeat the whole concept of believers and unbelievers because we have no option to not believe, it's not even a matter of belief, it's a fact."

Your assertion that belief is required is wrong. It works for all other animals, even ones that come close to our intelligence. And so far it works for me.

"Considering how a bit absurd this sound, can we start from the premise that we simply cannot prove the existence of a Supreme Being by merely physical traits?"

If you say so, I kind of came to this subreddit to be proven wrong about that..

"So I wondered what's stopping us men from just rape every women? Sure I'll be sentenced to death but I can say I lived long enough to reproduce, I have fulfilled my purpose. Or, why wouldn't I just do all bad things after I impregnated my wife. I can steal, rob, kill, rape, bomb things. What's stopping me? Why should I aim to be a good person."

I'm always baffled by these questions. They seem so easy to answer. Are you interested in killing or raping anyone? I'm not, because I know it will hurt them or their friends and family, and it would bring me great grief to realize I had caused that. I want to be a good person, because I want good people around me. In short: do not do to others, what you don't want done to yourself. That's all the basis you need to automatically do good.

"I mean, there's gotta be something more than just reproduce." That seem to be the agony of having too powerful a brain to simply accept that this is it. We have become conscious beings in a universe that appears to be unconscious. That's our bad luck. There doesn't need to be more to life and the universe than what we can see.

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