What Nikkes skills would you change to make them better?

This whole discussion started bc you stated critical damage scales better than ark buffs.

I never stated Volume and Liter in game are OP or better than Liter. This just proves this whole conversation has gotten off-rails.

You could've said that from the get go and this conversation wouldn't have gotten off rails. You never said they she was good alternative, you always kept on metioning her everytime someone said liter is the best, what was the point of that if not to contradict it?

As of now characters like Snow White do benefit from critical damage buffs via Miranda and is extremely popular for her ability to one shot bosses. If anything it’s proof that crit can be powerful with the right team and if people want to they can invest in the critical damage for their use of non-liter teams.

Snow White is not relying on Miranda's crit buff but her atk buff. Why do you think she's always paired with characters like Maxwell, Anne and Poli? 90% of the damage comes from the atk buffs, not the critical buff, proving again atk buffs are superior than crit ones. The only reason Miranda is used is for her buff duration, nothing else.

On all the calculations you've shown the only one where crit outdamaged atk was where you didn't take defense into account, so idk why you're so obsessed with critical damage.

As a last example I'll ask, if crit is superior why no one uses Julia? She's the queen of crit damage, paired with Miranda she should, by your theory, be top tier in damage. But why does scarlet with liter outdamages her so much if crit is so superior?

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