What is the solution when you only enjoy raw sex (as a straight male)?

Well, all the prostitutes I have been with never said they are forced into it.

I try to be friendly with them to create a nice atmosphere and after we are done, I often ask why pretty girls like them would be doing this job, which is disrespected in our society, when they could probably land a rich husband as they are so beautiful. Almost all of them replied me that having husband/bf restricts their their freedom and that being a hooker is a very easy money.

The worst case scenario, I remember is, when two of them said they were doing it for their children because their husbands were not caring for them.

I must admit, I'm very picky with the prostitutes I choose. While I don't go for the most expensive ones, I don't go for the totally cheap ones either. I research through the prostitute review forums to see if I'm making correct choice before I spend my money. May be I've not experienced the shady ones because of my pickiness.

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