What Study would you design if Money and ethics weren't an Issue?

Meanwhile study after study comes back with positive results for fish, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados and literally any naturally unsaturated food... and not some middle of the road marker like LDL or oxidative stress, proper endpoints like all cause mortality.

In fact, every time I see a negative result I read deeper and find imbalanced fatty acid ratios, oxidised oils, unnatural diets or gene manipulation.

“Unsaturated fats are bad” is bad is an internet creation. I think it’s based on science theorised by people that missed the bigger picture and got lost in details and of course shitty vegetable oils that actually are damaging to health.

I mean the most powerful study I’m aware of (Pure study) had unsaturated fats as the best macronutrient in almost ever category and it didn’t even remove the shitty oxidised vegetable oils to get that result.

Have you been reading Hyperlipid or visiting some carnivore forums? Because your view doesn’t reflect mainstream evidence based science.

“Unstable” is not a good argument when you actually look at how undamaged fats behave in the body. Not to mention the tendency of monounsaturated fats to lipid peroxidation is very low in real terms. I mean the liver purposely desaturates excess saturated fats to 16:1 and 18:1 because it is the preferred storage form.

/r/ScientificNutrition Thread Parent