[Serious] Racists of Reddit. Why are you racist?

Since this specific thread is dedicated to the taboo topic of racism, sure, I'll risk being hated on to answer your question.

Little bit of background: Beaumont is 50% African American. I have lived here for two years now. During my stay, I have gotten to know the culture that is Southeast Texas rather well and have closely befriended several black people and spent quite a bit of time in thier communities. Some observations:

-Very, very few black people are employed here. Almost all of them live on welfare and receive federal monthly checks for silly things like having ADHD (no I'm not making this up). They feel very entitled to their welfare. So entitled in fact, that after conversing with them on the topic of employment, one starts to realize that they feel the concept of employment is 'beneath' them because in thier minds, the system was rigged against them in the first place. (Like affirmative action isn't a thing, or something).

-As a white person walking down the street in downtown Beaumont or simply stopping to get gas, you cannot go anywhere without being haggling by a black person for some spare change or a square (cigarette).

-This may not be exclusive to Beaumont, as some of my black friends have pointed out, but black people are shitty to each other. During my visits to overwhelmingly black communities I have seen on many, many occasions: black people stealing from each other, ripping each other off (usually during drug transactions) and just fucking each other over in general. Side note, none of my black friends legitamitely know who their father is.

All of this was very new to me. I grew up a Navy brat, so I've lived all over the United States, but never in an area where the majority of the population was African American. In the other areas I had lived, black people were the minority and behaved more or less just like everyone else. Here, it's different. Again, please do not confuse my observations for racism, I am merely elaborating on an earlier comment.

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