First time father, need budgeting tips. Help!

A question I can answer!

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in Oct and we suck(ed) at budgeting. We're doing much better now with a few simple changes that I think can help you guys too.

• Shut off all cable and get Netflix and/or Hulu. It's loads cheaper. We haven't had cable in years and we don't miss it.

• Fill up at the cheapest gas stations and pay cash. Here in CA it saves me 10¢ to walk in and pay at the register rather then paying at the pump with a card.

• Create a grocery budget and shop at the cheapest grocery stores. Hell, even the 99¢ Store has produce! Also - coupons.

• Stop eating out. No more fast food, drinks or late night snack runs.

• Stop shopping just to shop (assuming that you do this). If you don't absolutely NEED it, don't buy it. That new outfit or that new phone can wait.

• Talk to your cell phone provider about dropping your plan to the cheapest options available. (We just did this today actually. We're now saving and extra $16 a month and it'll add up quick).

• Cancel gym memberships and take walks together instead. There's tons of other great work outs to do at home as well like body weight exercises, yoga, running and biking.

• Shop around for new car/house insurance and see if you get get a better deal elsewhere.

• Babies don't need a lot of crap!!!Don't let TV, movies and Internet articles fool you. They need diapers, wipes, blankets, clothes, a place to sleep, a car seat, formula/breast milk and some type of carrier like a wrap or stroller. That's pretty much it (give or take a few things). My husband and I aren't bothering with bouncers, play mats, swings, electronic toys and all that other nonsense. Babies have thrived for thousands of years without those things and so will ours.

• Start tracking where every penny of your income goes. It's very eye opening.

• Work on knocking out your debt ASAP. r/personalfinance

/r/Frugal Thread