What would it be like growing up in a culture, where most boys are effeminate and gay?

Ancient Spartan men were both ripped and extremely concerned with male beauty. They were particularly famous for their beautiful, long hair. The Persians laughed when they were told that the Spartan army was busy combing their locks, failing to realize that this was a key ritual component of Spartan battle preparation. I believe the Persians learned their lesson the next day.

Ancient Egyptians of both genders used cosmetics extensively to enhance both male and female beauty.

Around the world, when the nobility shifted from an actively warmaking warrior caste to idle power holders, they tended to adopt fashions that read as effeminate in the context modern America's still heavily puritan influenced masculine culture.

There is probably a significant difference between living in a culture where the male norm would read as effeminate today and those that are transitioning to or away from such norms. In the transitional case, there is an active experience of fighting and moving the norm. In the normative case, there must be frustration due to the inability to express one's true identity/preference.

TL;DR: social norms are transient, history likely has many examples of what you are looking for!

/r/MEFetishism Thread