Joe Biden has the power to cancel all federally held student debt by executive order, without congressional approval

I don’t think that free education is a bad or greedy thing whatsoever. Many nations agree with that and provide it for their people. I also don’t think that correcting a crisis situation which impacts millions of people is greedy either. It’s a problem and solutions exist. Ones that are net positive for the entire country, based on quite a bit of evidence and sophisticated analysis.

Only in the US and only at this time in history is the amount of student loan debt so egregious that it’s considered a crisis and has attracted the focus of the millions who pay the consequences from it. You’re labeling this “getting something of value for free” as if it hurts you when someone else gets a benefit. There is a problem. Fixing that problem doesn’t hurt you. The multiple sources I linked above can help you understand how that does more good for society than harm.

Also, your argument sounds a bit too “but what about” for my taste. The fact that other people are suffering for unrelated reasons is not proper justification for haulting progress directed toward other problems. Just like we have to balance needs for sustainable energy with other needs like a stable food supply, an effective government should also balance tackling specific problems along with widespread, systemic problems. Both deserve attention and fixing one does not mean the other fails to be valid. Get this one done, move on to the next.

Just remember that this discussion is all about people with debt from bettering themselves, and in turn, providing a lot of benefits for society by having additional knowledge. Can you imagine the world prior to public schooling for K-12? What if the prices for high school were so high you had to go into lifelong debt to get a basic understanding of algebra? If a bill was presented to increase taxes to pay for high school, would society be better or worse off? Personally, I think any country that’s worth a damn understands how important education is. And having accessible education is often what differentiates the top civilizations from the worst, as history has shown us time and time again.

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