What's Jim Manion up to these days? Taken in-between Olympia bikini prejudging and the finals

Dunno where OP got the pic but it was posted on JM's IG (@aroundthenpc_jm ...read that handle again) yesterday with the following caption:

I keep coming back to this group photo because of the #vibe I get looking at it & knowing these athletes as long as I have & feel it just totally represents what this shoot was all about! This was the end of the shoot! #slayqueens

4/5 women in the pic commented in a way that can only be described as appreciative.

There are many other post-O pics of bikini and wellness competitors, so it seems his photography at least was not hampered by not having him on premises or whatever the agreement was.

/r/bikinitalk Thread Link - i.redd.it