When You Know the Basics, but You Still Can't Code

“Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.” -Einstein

I've been writing code for a long time, and it's still hard. All of the things you're describing are skills that are simple to pick up. I wouldn't even say bunny slope, I'd say they're akin to just being able to stand up on a snowboard. That's not to say that it's easy, just simple.

They're simple to pick up, and they're impossible to master, and if you're pissed off now, you're going to stay pissed off, because while aspects get easy, you blow through those things and then you're on to the hard stuff - the learning stuff - where you just sit there and tinker with it until it works.

You want to know how to take some user input and pass it to a function, you play with it. First, pass a variable to a function, and have the function print it out. Next, modify the function a little bit closer to what you're aiming for, and reload. Do that until the function does what you expect it to. Finally, fill that variable with user input.

Every single thing is just an iterative process like that. You just start with something simple, and modify it bit by bit until it does what you want. You isolate things so that you're dealing with one problem at a time - like in the example above, you don't grab the user input until you're ready for it, because that adds a variable to the process.

Some basic curiosity and a willingness to poke and prod will take you a long way with the problems you're facing now. If you're told to make something add two numbers, just keep running with it. Have it subtract next, and then multiply, and then divide, and then divide and have it round to the nearest 2 decimal places, and then divide but give the result as a fraction.

There is this wall between what you know and what you don't, and ideally people will cut those walls lower and lower as time goes on. I've gotten over that wall that you're facing, and it was hard, but it would've been easier if I'd just chilled out and played with the stuff in a spirit of curiosity instead of pretending like I had deadlines and important things to do. I'm up against another wall, now, and it's stupidly higher than the one I faced when I was learning (which, by the way, was higher than the one you're facing, because the languages and the learning resources are way better now), and I'm not pissed about it. I'm not pissed about it because I chose not to be pissed about it. If you don't stop being pissed off, you're never going to stop being pissed off, unless you stop programming altogether.

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