I know when I'm being fucked with...

Westworld. The lady is actually an android who is programmed to be a lifelike character in a LARP Theme park set in the Wild West. (Her character runs a brothel.) The technician is (for reasons too long/complex to explain quickly) is revealing to her that she is an android and as proof showing her how programming is all visible in that tablet. She doesn’t believe it (she’s programmed with memories and by design thinks she has free will/is alive) but as you can see, it shows a live feed of her thought process and even how the conflicts pile up until she just seizes.

It’s a good show. I think they’re on season 3 or 4 but I didn’t renew my subscription so I couldn’t keep watching.

/r/notliketheothergirls Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it