When you tell the waiter “no dairy” and he says “is butter okay?”

I have second and third degree burns from a bean being stuck in the hole while brewing the the grounds sat on my hand for a few minutes before me noticing out of shock. I was out for a month and had to do rounds of skin grafts. I got my day back of approval, told my manager and she was so pissd she had to cover my shifts for the 3 weeks than she purposely did not schedule me the week I came back. Best believe I called Sedgwick and they extended my workman’s comp and had to pay me an extra week which I could of been on the floor. The whole thing was fucking miserable and Starbucks originally said they wouldn’t pay for anything except medical bills... and I could use my vacation time. Don’t give up and tell them EXACTLY what you want and don’t go back until your ready. This is YOUR body and you got hurt while working for them. No matter the situation. Sorry rant over I am just trying to not let other partners get fucked over either..

/r/EDanonymemes Thread Link - i.redd.it