
If you can’t leave the house, is Instacart or another grocery delivery service in your area? Here are some things you could try, in order from safest to more risky:

-Raspberries. They have a ridiculous amount of fiber compared to other fruits and they’ve really helped me before in this situation. You’d need to eat around 340g of them for it to work in my experience, but they are very low calorie. -Sugar free gummies and other sweets made with sugar alcohols can have laxative-effects in large quantities. I haven’t tried this myself, but it could be an alternative if you are scared to take medicine. -Miralax. As someone else mentioned, it’s an osmotic laxative, which is gentle and non-addictive. The downside is that it can take a while to work, and if it has been two weeks it might be past the point where it is able to help. -Ducolax. You can take it in either oral pill or suppository form. It takes a few hours to kick in but once it does it really works. The downside is that works too well, it really messes up your stomach and can be addictive if you aren’t careful. -Saline enema. This is really a last resort, but if you are super constipated and want to avoid the emergency room I would suggest trying this. In my experience, that’s probably what the doctor will suggest and it’s humiliating having someone else help you with this.

Good luck, I know this is really embarrassing and painful to deal with. I hope you find something that helps you :(

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