Which is more likely?

who is more likely to have had a crush on me in the environment I’m in?

I’m in a predominantly white (42%) and Asian (31%) environment. I’m a black girl. I know that I sound white (sometimes, I code switch a fair amount.) I am introverted but have started like speaking out more in class during these last few months of school since I’ve just idk become more comfortable. I look really tired, my family is dysfunctional (my brother may be getting sent home from rehab next week idk.)

I helped lead my school’s health fair recently, like I was one of the hosts for it. I’ve been told that I have a big butt. I am actually v attracted to some white men but am not sure that one would want me

I look like: https://imgur.com/a/5XmzyQO and https://imgur.com/a/aOtSRr2

/r/datingadviceformen Thread