Which S's hero to get with my universal Shards?

Well vip 10 here, here is my team (207mio BR): Wind Dancer(+9), Victoria(+8), Theresa(+9), Astral Hunter(max), Dora(max), Luneria(max). This team destroys anything, even 500mio BR opponents. I only loose against a vip14 guy.

  • It is not that difficult to play with 3 SS heroes when you are number 1 or 2 on your server. Uni shards ressources: Labyrinth, event quest every 2 days, cross server and hero shop (buy all refresh scrolls you can get, this is where most of the shards comes from)

  • All S+ heroes are not worth it imo, though I did started with Eldoril and AOE is too weak in lategame.

  • I use Theresa who is easy to upgrade then will change her to Lucian when I can

How did I started?: Eldoril, Theresa, Mysteria, High Priestess, Draconia, Feather. I would advice you to replace Mysteria since you have WD. Use Draconia until you have Theresa at +7 and convert her to Vic, you can also use Vic, but you have to convert her once a week when you collect your theresa shards. All your ressources have to got to WD until she is +9 then she destroys 2 opponents at the start of your turn. Use Eldoril until you are able to get Astral to +11.

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