Is it bad that I stay home and watch Netflix all day, everyday?

I haven't been exactly like that, but I have had trouble keeping my home in shape due to depression and the resulting lack of compulsion to do literally anything. It's not good to languish and waste away.

If you are like me, the thing that might help you is getting small successes every day. It takes under 5 minutes to load the washing machine, and then you get to say you did that. A bit later you can spend another 5 minutes straightening up, and then you can take credit for that too. A bit later you can do another small chore and give yourself another pat on the back.

Pretty soon you will see the difference you are making in the house, and that feels good. You'll want to do more, and the cycle will continue. Feel that feeling. Let yourself get addicted to the little successes. Pretty soon you'll want bigger successes, and you'll be well on your way.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread