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noun: introduction; plural noun: introductions

  1. the action of introducing something.
    "issues arising from the introduction of new technology"
    synonyms: institution, establishment, initiation, launch, inauguration, foundation; start, commencement, debut, inception, origination
    antonyms: abolition

    • a thing newly brought into use or introduced to a place for the first time.
      "these grains are valuable introductions from Sweden"
  2. a formal presentation of one person to another, in which each is told the other's name.
    "he returned to his desk, leaving Michael to make the introductions"
    synonyms:(formal) presentation to; meeting with, audience with
    "an introduction to the king"

  3. a thing preliminary to something else, especially an explanatory section at the beginning of a book, report, or speech.
    "your talk will need an introduction that states clearly what you are talking about and why"
    synonyms: foreword, preface, preamble, prologue, prelude; opening (statement), beginning, lead-in, prelims; formal proem, prolegomenon "the book's introduction" antonyms: afterword

    • a preliminary section in a piece of music, often thematically different from the main section.
    • a book or course of study intended to introduce a subject to a person.
      "it is a simple introduction to Euclidean geometry"
      synonyms: a primer of, a basic explanation of, a brief account of; the basics of, the rudiments of, the fundamentals of
      "an introduction to hothouse gardening"
    • a person's first experience of a subject or thing.
      "my introduction to drama was through an amateur dramatic society"
      synonyms: initiation into, induction into, inauguration into, baptism into "freshmen would soon experience the traditional introduction to school life"


   LATIN               LATIN  
introducere -------→ introductio --|  
                        ENGLISH    |-→ introduction
                       introduce --| late Middle English

late Middle English: from Latin introductio(n-), from the verb introducere (see introduce).

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