The Whole Planet Is Colonized

Middle east was colonized by Turks. Norther to Western African got colonized by Arabs. India was colonized by Turko-mongols. Southern Europe was colonized by Arabs. etc etc Colonization is a fact of life, it's something that's happened since beginning of history by various forces. There's no reason for people to reflect so heavily on the European colonization because it's not something new to them, it happened, it sucks but you gotta move on forward to the best of your ability. You're giving them far too much credit if you think they destroyed all those things, yes some cultures were lost but far more remained.

Black people (in America/the west, important distinction) reflect so heavily on this because we're are directly tied to white people. People in most countries (South Africa is an exception) aren't generally tied so closely (or at least under the impression that they aren't tied so closely) therefore have no need to reflect. Imagine you live in a rough neighborhood, you've probably experienced someone trynna rob you before, it's not new to you, so you lose a little you get on with your life and you generally don't think too much of it. But, if you're robbed and then forced to be in contact with and your success tied to the person that robbed you then you're probably gonna think about it a lot and deal with it differently.

Also, all countries weren't colonized the same. The colonization that Asia experience (and even within Asia, India/Middle east/Southeast Asia/Eastern Asia all had different experiences) can't really be compared to the one that Africa experienced. And people deal with grief in different ways, some people prefer to just work through it others might ruminate.

/r/Blackfellas Thread