I Have An Issue With White Liberals

I’ve observed the same thing. I saw someone say:

“none of these people cared about kobe’s rape case until he suddenly died, they dont even feel a sense of misplaced vindication for the victim. to them this is just a challenge to display how truly “woke” and left they are to gain more votes in their imanginary social hiearchy”

Like at the end of the day, regardless of how woke White people seem to be, we gotta remember that they likely are just regurgitating something they heard a black person say and that, given the opportunity, they will show their true colors (usually in a context where they don’t think anyone can say anything against them).

That’s some shit you’ll never see a black man do. Playing around with death isn’t a joke to us.

And aye man if no one believes you or understands how you felt today just know I did and my peers did as well.

/r/Blackfellas Thread