WikiLeaks misspells words in their tweets, and they point to a cryptic message: RETREAT

WikiLeaks misspells words in their tweets, and they point to a cryptic message: RETREAT

Words with missing letters -> take the last letter of that word

Words with extra letters -> take the first letter of that word

Extra space -> take the last letter of the following word


2016-10-20 - 15:36 UTC - tweet

Misspelled word: wopper - Missing letter: h - Last letter of word: r


2016-10-21 - 10:19 UTC - tweet

Misspelled word: presumtive - Missing letter: p - Last letter of word: e


2016-10-21 - 18:09 UTC - tweet

Extra space (between words "US" and "internet") - Last letter of following word: t


2016-10-21 - 19:15 UTC - tweet

Misspelled word: recipie - Extra letter: i - First letter of word: r


2016-10-21 - 19:24 UTC - tweet

Misspelled word: inteligence - Missing letter: l - Last letter of word: e


2016-10-21 - 22:32 UTC - tweet

Misspelled word: algorithim - Extra letter: i - First letter of word: a


2016-10-22 - 00:04 UTC - tweet

Misspelled word: Hebert - Missing letter: r - Last letter of word: t


There's this tweet, which I had missed:


2016-10-20 - 10:41 UTC - tweet

Misspelled word: supportting - Extra letter: t - First letter of word: s

Now the message spells RESTREAT (?)

/r/The_Donald Thread