A wild onion eater appears!

  1. Democrats pushed the collusion and interference. The Republican led investigation concluded the interference and didn't conclude either way on the collusion. We already know he colludes with Russia though as he did it on the debate stage for the whole world to see.

  2. Your argument was that lawsuits are investigations. That's obviously wrong, so you changed it to there is an investigation going on right now due to Barr. That's also wrong.

  3. He claimed there was massive fraud in the 2016 election. He has continued to repeat these claims for four years. One doesn't need to provide sources for easily searchable information that no one denies has happened.

  4. You are the one who brought up talking points. I was the one who said that Mueller didn't conclude there was no collusion. I didn't say people in the middle don't type out long paragraphs, I said people in the middle don't type out long paragraphs filled with insults in response to someone criticizing their president.

Because its been done to him in 2016.

Again, the Democrats did not claim election fraud in 2016. They claimed Russian interference. Which was true.

Everything you've said has been left.

The problem here is the president has managed to convince people that asking for evidence is "left". This is how cults work. If you ask for evidence you are the enemy.

You also never provide evidence for him saying that the 2020 election was a fraud for 4 years.

I never said that. That's another strawman. I said he has been claiming fraud for 4 years. First about the 2016 election. Now, predictably, about the 2020 election.

/r/AteTheOnion Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com