You will randomly bomb technical interviews. Everyone does. Here’s the data.

Haha, I always persevere anyway. I had one interview I did so terribly on that my interviewer had to stifle a smile. It was at Bloomberg for an internship so many years ago and I just froze on the question.

Unlike most other people's stories here, mine wasn't the interviewers' fault. It was entirely mine. I was still in uni and I was flown in to New York City to interview and there was a car to pick me up and take me to a hotel. The next day I was in their glitzy office on Lexington Ave, a beautiful construction of glass and steel.

London has these too but honest to God, I'd never been anywhere up there. Seemed far too posh. So I go up there and it's like the goddamn movies. Two story glass windows, free standing spiral staircases, everyone dressed like they're senior partners in Suits.

To top it off, everyone is so sophisticated-seeming and nice. My interviewers are a diverse set of people: an Indian chap, a Scandinavian woman, a couple of Americans, one Chinese fellow. They're all intelligent and helpful. And I blanked on my first one. I pushed through but the code was bad, the ideas were shit, and my solution was absurd. Yeesh. Finished the entire gauntlet, though, so either they didn't have a trapdoor or they just felt like giving me another chance.

Haha, looking back I think I was so damned intimidated by them back then, I got in my own head. Didn't make it obviously but I got lucky elsewhere and did well for myself in a different environment.

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