Find the winning move for white

At first it may look like you pin the queen to the king, but there’s a pawn in the way. It might also look like the queen runs out of squares but it can escape to a6. While you do get the e6 pawn with check, the attack ends there. So in total a rook for a knight and pawn isn’t worth it without some more compensation. The right idea is to instead attack queen with your knight, unpinning it. Then after queen moves, you take the hanging bishop. Getting a knight and bishop for a rook is worth it. Not to mention we’re breaking an annoying pin and also getting our knight closer to the action. With no minor pieces remaining, black has no answer for the strong knight on e5. Bishop can go to f3 and rook to c1. All of these will attack the isolated c-pawn. White can also threaten the a-pawn and c-pawn. Black will struggle to hold the position down and will collapse. Once the c-pawn falls, white invades and has an overwhelming attack. If the a-pawns, have a threat to push for queen. If the e-pawn falls, black has to worry about checks. Rook can also come to c5 and fork the c-pawn and a-pawn. Black can try to double-attack the d-pawn, but white can protect it with knight. White can also play g3 to protect the f-pawn and give the king a flight square against back-rank tactics. The b-pawn can be pushed to a white square and form a protection circle on c4. Black cannot penetrate and has no answer. Entire black side will collapse and white is easily winning.

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