CLG Black Position Openings (Coach, Analyst and MidLaner)

SoloQ is pretty competitive. The lack of game knowledge even in Diamond is massive, so if a professional coach can't use his game knowledge to get at least Diamond, truthfully he simply doesn't have it. It's literally not possible for him to have such game knowledge. Game knowledge means you can apply it and win. Theorycrafting is what low elo players do, maybe it's good or maybe it's bad, either way they can't apply it to their games. Even most of the best competitive players have similar rankings in SoloQ. Faker is usually #1 in KR soloQ and he is also the best player in the World.

As for CLG, I mean, CLG had the worst objective control in the NALCS. Doublelift should stop farming!! OMG!! That's what Monte was famous for saying. What great insight! Most of the games they won Double carried on his back on Lucian. Once people started to ban that they would literally lose every dragon/baron and lose the game. Their only go-to strategy was ARAMING down a lane and trying to take a T2 lol.

I have no idea about Aarons background. EDG roster is superstars / ex-world champions, they wouldn't have much trouble with any given coach, but I do know one of their coaches is Reapered who is a legendary top laner. He was the best player in the World at one point.

Seriously, EDG could be coachless and they would still be a stupidly strong team, nobody is going to argue about that. They have a roster of legends.

I don't think my point of view is absurd. The fact is a higher ELO player is better at the game and knows how to win games. He can see a million subtle things a pro player does(that someone of low ranking is probably not even familiar with.)

Unless you are high rank yourself it's a bit silly to argue about it. The fact is a low elo guy does lack tons of knowledge and doesn't understand or even realize people are doing things inside a game. Subtle things. There's no way they can analyze a game on the same level of someone who's actually good at the game.

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