Champion Update: Ryze update live!

I disagree. I've played about 15~20 games with new Ryze on PBE and I absolutely loathe the changes. Everybody keeps talking about Q being a skillshot, but that's the least of new Ryze's worries. The worst part is his build path due to his ult passive. He gets 10% CDR per rank into his ult now. This means that @ Lv.16, with standard Ryze runes/masteries, you hit 40% CDR. This puts you in a really fucking awkward position because you'll want to build CDR for midgame, but it's a waste of gold if you have any @ Lv.16. You're damned if you do; damned if you don't. This also means you can't (effectively) build any CDR items on him, Frozen Heart included.

Speaking of which, he now feels ridiculously squishy. The lack of Frozen Heart in his build is devastating and that weaksauce mana shield on his passive does little to compensate for it. He feels like a burst mage now, except he still has to walk up in melee range to actually do any damage, at which point he gets eviscerated. And while I haven't mulled over the numbers specifically, he just feels weaker if you try to build him tanky now. In fact, all his recommended items on PBE now are standard AP burst mage items like deathcap. When's the last time you saw Ryze build a deathcap?

The whole shift in his build path just feels awful to play as. Ryze is supposed to be tanky, walk up to your team, and unload his combo. New Ryze is a squishy burst mage that still has to walk up in melee range and dies before he gets a chance to combo. It feels like trying to play Thresh as an ADC. The range is simply too short on such a squishy champion to effectively do anything useful in fights.

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