What's working at a 9-5 office REALLY like?

Fuck the coffee. After few years you realize that it is bad for you. Probably the doctor tells you that if you will keep drinking it, you will get a heart attack. The number of tasks and stupidity of colleagues will kill you anyway, you prepare something good - they ruin it, even the simplest thing. Or you have something that you do on your own, one fucking thing that is working, so your manger takes it away from you and assigns to a colleague who is a braindead monkey - who destroys this. This damaged thing comes back to you and you want to cry. Since something good became an abomination after few months.

Then you think that at least the chair can spin - fucking nope, you do it and it starts losing parts, because the company has not exchanged the chairs for 5 years.

When you leave around 6-7pm it is often dark; and if it is sunny you think that you will go and at least do some running or some basketball. But you sit at your chair and cannot move, could stare into blank space, or reddit, same shit anyway. And after few hours it is time to sleep. Gotta wake up early to get to the office.

Friends got married or are in similar situation like you, so when you finally meet them everyone is bitching about work. You really try some other things, boardgames, "adventures" like shooting range or laser tag, but you are so burned down that they are nothing. Ah yea, 3 months ago you went to some concert. Or to the movies, Interstellar was ok you guess. Days start to blur and blur. Everything really speeds up. You "wake up" and 3 months have passed. Ah, girlfriend left you 1 year ago. Wow - one year already? You met that other girl 7 months ago. 7 months??? If feels like it was 2 weeks ago.

Days go by. And you die. A bit every day.

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