Wish 15 clue

It's "fine" in that it gets the point across, but it also makes mistakes that "grownups" typically don't make. Example: "I was a former. Bungie employee" -- One would say I *am a former employee* or I *was an employee* but not both. Another exampe: "I won't give too much details to give away who I am" -- Again, this should be "too *many* details" or "too *much detail*" but not both. And these are just the first two lines! haha. Basic writing skills necessary in the workplace and grow as we grow into adults. Instead, the language he chooses is forced, like he's trying to write above his professional level to sound legit.

The whole thing also reads like a nigerian scam. He relies on mystery and clickbait, both to lure the reader and exempt himself from any burden of proof. Example: "I will only give a clue since I actually want you guys to find it." He seems to forget his own story partway through. He says ""That's why we've been keeping quiet" when he should say "that's why they've been keeping quiet" or "that's why we kept quiet." Remember, he supposedly spent time there and now has moved on; I've left jobs in the past and trust me when I say you would never even consider speaking about it in the present tense. It would be like your father passing away, then later saying "that's why my dad I I go fishing on tuesdays" .. it's just off. Not natural.

There's plenty of other things too. Like how he puts the period outside of the quotes on "'the citadel'." That's a common gradeschool error. It should be "like this." There's also technical errors - if he really were in a position with access to "string texts" he wouldn't say "string texts" because the term is TEXT STRING. **ANY** tech-level person would know this. And he gets it wrong twice. Not to mention he's flat out wrong about them - the wish text strings have been confirmed by bungie to have some meaning and are not just random.

It's obviously and clearly fake. But if you want to believe it, then more power to you.

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