It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to switch my vote from Jill to Trump, and here is why: HILLARY'S WORDS HAVE SHAKEN ME TO MY CORE.

But the thing that troubled me the most was the complete disregard of national security: to so flippantly remark about nuclear fucking war, to state the precise amount of time from orders to execution, and to do all of it just to try to make herself appear to be far more informed, qualified, and intelligent than her opponent was beyond the pale. I'm terrified of her now and nothing, absolutely nothing will make me see her as anything other than a tyrant on her way to the throne. Even if a single email had never been released, or a single Congressional hearing, or a single FBI criminal investigation had happened, her flippant attitude about firing nuclear weapons scared the shit out of me.

Did we watch the same debate?

She wasn't flippantly talking about using nuclear weapons at all. She explained that Trump has been "cavalier, even casual, about the use of nuclear weapons," and that the people who have had that responsibility said they would not trust Trump with the nuclear launch codes.

/r/The_Donald Thread