How'd you lose weight?

Are you looking for resources?

  1. Calculate your daily calorie expenditure (TDEE) - This will tell you how many calories you need to maintain your weight. You'll want to eat less than this to lose weight.

    1a. I've found that these sites actually overestimate your TDEE. Mine was actually ~200 calories lower than the number they gave me.

    1b. A good value to shoot for is 500 calories less per day. This puts you on track for 1 lb lost per week.

    1c. Spend your first week tracking exactly everything you eat (everything that passes your lips).

    1d. After that first week, spend your second week by dropping 100 additional calories per day nuntil your reach the target.

    Day Calories Down Per Day Total Calories Down
    Monday -100 -100
    Tuesday -100 -200
    Wednesday -100 -300
    Thursday -100 -400
    Friday -100 -500
    Saturday 0 -500
    Sunday 0 -500
  2. MyFitnessPal - Use this to track your daily calories expended. You can also use it to track these exercises that you do.

  3. /r/cookingforbeginners - Learn to cook. It allows you to control what goes into your food, and it can be fun.

    3a. Personal disclaimer: I hate cooking. My meals consist of cubed chicken + McCormick's/Stubb's premade spices.

    3b. Buy a digital scale - Your notion of portion sizes is probably completely off, and you'll need to readjust them.

  4. /r/Fitness - This sub should really be "/r/lifting" since they pretty much are all about lifting weights. Just know that any exercise you do is good. Use the resources on the sidebar; they're good for beginners to get a foundation.

  5. Stay healthy - If you get hurt, see a doctor. I got tennis elbow & golfer's elbow 6 months ago and I'm still in recovery because I ignored it for so long. Admit that you have limits, but push them responsibly.

  6. Stay motivated - Everyone loses motivation and that's part of the game. Start off by getting yourself to the gym 3 times a week. If you need more, then add more days. If you fall off the wagon, just get back on it. Don't worry so much about cheat days (or even cheat weeks).

Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. It feels bad see how some people's 3 month progress is greater than my 3 year progress, but that's because everyone is different. We'll all make it :).

/r/AskReddit Thread