With a straight face, Hillary Clinton says she and Bill are 'dead broke' Nearly, $2 billion disappears from Clinton Foundation yesterday into moslem banks! Bill, Bill where's the money Bill?

Trump supporter here, veteran as well, can show screenshots to support both. Check my post history before down-voting please, Shills. All information is from a 2014 Hillary Clinton interview with Diane Sawyer. It is 45:29 long.

My post is meant to pick apart her interview to a degree, and here is the initial link via YT. I offer you the link first because I don't want to seem bias, but as surely you've seen my post history you can see I am a Trump supporter. As such, the link I send you is on Youtube, and the same link I viewed while I wrote this. The link I send is the same link I visited.

She even withholds vital information about Osama from Barack Obama.

https://youtu.be/GdTtvXxLyY0 . That is all.

The interview begins with this bombshell: "It has been reported you've made 5 million, making speeches. The president.. has made more than $100 million dollars..?" watch this link (full question and answer):


The date when she says this is 2014. (I like to be clear)

If you are not interested in the question , watch this link (27 seconds ahead):


Where she claims they "came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt".

LMAO. I'm sure this has been serious business. But I'm just finding this, a video clip of people trying to define what her hairstyles meant, please ignore probably? But who knows. As crazy as this sounds - I get it - look at baseball signs:


The video cuts here for maybe 2 seconds, it is odd. I am trying to find another clip from ABC but have been unsuccessful. (found one from another source:

Heh, here is also a clip of Hillary after she lost to Obama, where they claim she was "lying down in the backseat of a car from the press and she says that first meeting was like an awkward first date."


"What can you say to the voters who seem to like Barack Obama.. more?"


Classy response people, despite who you like. Can we not like someone but respect someone else? This is where I come from in certain aspects of my shitpost.

/r/HillaryForPrison Thread Link - politifact.com