Despite Donald Trump, Many Bernie Sanders Supporters Won’t Forgive Hillary Clinton

This election cycle has certainly fucked with my perspective on things.

I used to spout how we need to get the old career politicians out of office and then I discovered Bernie.

I used think socialist was a bad word and then I backed a socialist.

I used to think the perfect president would be a business man/woman, because if they know how to start and run a successful business they are likely qualified to try and run a country, then we got Donald.

I never thought much (good or bad) of Hillary until I watched with disbelief as she unapologetically lied, cheated, and stole her way to the top with a smile. The only truth I believe that comes out of her mouth is when she states with unabashed confidence that she will be POTUS. The only time I have ever played a game and could be that confident about winning was if I cheated or the cards were stacked in my favor.

I always thought people were conspiracy theorists with their "crazy" ideas about what happens behind the scenes and how decisions are made, and now when I talk to people I feel like the conspiracy theorist.

My one perspective that hasn't changed is that people should vote for the person not the party. Gary or Jill, neither one seems bad when compared with my other two choices and it would be cool to see a 3rd party get some recognition but I don't really fit with either person or party.

The answers certainly aren't as "obvious" as some would make you try to believe. I can certainly see and understand why people would choose any of the delegates. I think at this point if they can find even one commonality they latch on to it. Maybe I'm just weird, maybe I'm just out of touch, maybe I'm still too much of a dreamer, or maybe I just need to focus on things locally. In the end I know my 1 vote doesn't matter, but I would really like for it to at least count no matter who I end up voting for.

/r/HillaryForPrison Thread Link -