BOMBSHELL: Clinton Emails So Dangerous, Congress Does Not Have Clearance

I wonder if there is some sick fuck just sitting on the best Clinton dirt, letting this election play out. Giving her a fair chance at getting elected. Laughing at all the little people trying to take her down over a server or some donations.

And come January, if she wins, he is going to release the most potent, undeniable, actionable evidence for her impeachment. He will cause the biggest shitstorm in modern history. And he will wait until she wins to do it.

I fucking hope that guy exists. I hate Clinton. She is a garbage candidate. She sucks so bad that her PACs spend millions on anti-Trump rhetoric. There are no front page stories about how she will solve x or y problem. Her greatest advantage as a candidate is Trump's ability to say something that is easy to misconstrue.

She has done nothing remarkable in her political career. Pick any issue and she has lied about her stance on it for political benefit. She is all talk. She has not done a damn thing for anyone except donors and party members.

If she wins we are getting 4 years of no progress at all. Congress will be totally gridlocked. The only bills that get signed will be those that benefit industries that finance both parties. We will see plenty of exciting things happening at state level because shit isn't going to be any different than how it was under Obama.

I can't wait for more government shutdowns and bullshit foreign intervention. In addition to the numerous impeachment schemes and investigations, the quality of life for the average American will continue on its downward trend, and everyone will be so distracted with bullshit that they won't feel the dick getting pushed a little bit deeper into them.

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