Women’s brains - Dr James Thompson

First time to this sub, trying to find solidarity in the high iq community and I see this top post. Wow, very interesting post history OP. The paper seems well researched, there's lots of questions I have about whether the differences give women some other physical advantage. Based on my personal experiences I would say on average it's hard to find truly intelligent women compared with med, and many women who are naturally intelligent play it down to fit society's stereotypes. Anyway, I'll probably delete this comment eventually but I wanted to be a voice for the voiceless high IQ women out there. I got IQ tested in 2nd grade and registered as 162, which I later found out was the highest the children's test could score. Haven't done another and am certain it's gone down due to my daily cannabis's use effect on my short term but then again I've kept my brain active. So obviously there are women out there with high IQs, although on average physical differences in male and female brains seems to indicate women should have lower IQs. Another thing I'd point out is the current IQ test has been developed by what kind of person? White males. And they would be sure that it works for how the test developers think, but although I did well on it, I believe in different paradigms of thinking, different ways of knowing, in which someone with an IQ of 120 or so can do things that baffle and outdo me. I think it's a responsibility of people with high IQs to recognize and appreciate the power of "other" ways of thinking/knowing/being intelligent. Welp, that's my two cents to try to make you slightly less of a Redpill asshole in interpreting the results of this study

/r/IntelligenceQ Thread Link - unz.com