"I'm calling the POLICE!"! Go ahead Mombie . . . (RANT)

If that is the case she is using our landscape to let her dog shit.

At my former apartment complex, the genius management kept putting notes on our building because of dog poop in the grass by our building. Nevermind that there are 24 buildings with 24 units each. There was no way to determine if the offender actually lived in our building or not.

I got a note threatening to charge every pet owner in the building if it happened again. I have a cat. An indoor only cat (the only thing that's allowed at the complex), so I went to the office and asked about it. They said they couldn't target dog owners specifically because of the "Fair Housing Act" or some other unrelated bullshit that made no sense. And that it was an empty threat anyway. I asked how those were working out for them.

Then, some piece of shit shit-stain of a brat scratched every car in the lot with a rock across the hood, including mine. I went to the office. Their response? Oh, we don't know who did it, and there's nothing we can do about it. Are you fucking kidding? You'll put up multiple notes about dog shit without even determining which building it was, but you do NOTHING about some fucking kid that vandalizes every fucking car in the lot?! I'm so glad I don't live in that shit-hole anymore (the roving bands of 10-20 kids in the parking lot always reminded me of something from Lord of the Flies..and it's weird because there were always these groups of kids there, but the kids wouldn't be the same from day-to-day. It was like warring tribes with territorial gains and defeats...or maybe their parents just didn't have custody that day).

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