I would personally like to thank Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld for possibly helping me find my Schmoopy.

So — story time. Obviously Seinfeld is a niche thing. Ya know? Like - it’s rare when you can find someone who loves Seinfeld quite like you do.

COVID has gotten me lonely and sad. So - I tried my hand at posting on r4r. To be frank, I never - like EVER thought anything serious could come of it. Ya know - like we’d swap photos and other things and then it would be ghost city.

I got this message after I posted - and ... I melted immediately. My original post had nothing to do with Seinfeld - only my username. I posted something along the lines of - I don’t like when people don’t put their grocery carts back - a bit about myself and my quirks, likes and dislikes - ya know?

So - turns out - I’ve been literally in constant contact with this wonderful man - that I met because of Seinfeld and Reddit - NON STOP. And ... now we’re talking about our future!?!?

Idk what’s happening or how I got so lucky but I’d personally like to make sure that Jerry And Larry know they’ve possibly made me a match in heaven.

All because - yada, yada, yada ... I’m really tired today.

/r/seinfeld Thread Link - reddit.com