I'm trying to watch Seinfeld from the beginning for the first time. 5 episodes in now and I am not blown away. When does it become good / great?

Downvote me if ya have to, but like the subtle neurotic humor in Season 1 and 2.

Anyone can enjoy things, but i really think it depends on your age. I’m older and to me, subtle jokes about button placement are still kinda funny.

This might sound ridiculous, but things changed a lot faster and dramatically in the 1900’s. It wasn’t until around 2005 that it became so cool to be different and contrarian that unanimous trends took on a different vibe. Finally, by like 2010, everyone could be different and advertise it proudly. (Of course then PC culture picked up shortly thereafter.)

The point of my circuitous rant? Season 1 and Season 9 might as well be two completely different shows. With the cultural rate of change of the 90’s it would be like making seasons of a show that are 30 years apart by modern standards.

Early 90’s attitudes about diversity differed from late 90’s attitudes.

Early 90’s hair styles differed from late 90’s hair styles.

And ya better believe…

Early 90’s comedy was very different from late 90’s comedy.

In conclusion, hang in there. It gets better. Especially if you need more wackiness in your comedy to enjoy it (as many younger viewers do).

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