Wow. Seriously?

I agree with QuintPolaris. She could've blurred their faces like OP so kindly blurred her Twitter handle. If you read the article I linked, it says that they, 'hadn't yet responded to her concerns' so she publicly posted their content. Kids do dumb shit, there's entire subreddits dedicated to dumb things kids do. Scold them sure, but post their content on your own page so they can't remove it when they realize how stupid they were? That's messed up.

They made a bad joke but what she did can seriously ruin their chances of getting a good job in the future. Hell, if they do anything note worthy in their life that warrants public press this will be brought up. We've seen it many times now (i.e. like the guy who donated a million dollars to a children's hospital but the press just had to bring up racist quotes from when he was a teenager) and it's the reason there are terms like "keyboard warrior" these days, that are used to belittle important issues.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about progress and I don't condone what they did, but could we not ruin people for dumb stuff like this? There are so many important issues that could be addressed from this and berating these specific kids isn't equal to volunteering at a shelter or spreading awareness about alcoholism. It's just a bunch of self-righteousness and energy that could be better spent writing to the city council or your representatives about making a change.

TL;DR: Kids are dumb, get over it. If it bothers you that much stop complaining and shaming, and do something about that actual issues (e.g. homelessness, alcoholism awareness, etc.).

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