So is it wrong to SEE an image?

The problem is that our brain tries to interpret them. You may see something rectangular and they your brain will go "AH ITS A BUILDING", and then no it was just a desk - but now your session is ruined because you think its a building.

I like the way you explained it, very accurate.

It's the same with dreams. I have anything from 3 to 5 or 8 dreams daily, I remember most of them in incredible detail (I don't only remember them, I see them playing inside my head just as if it was a movie) and draw everything while I describe it to my recorder. I have been doing this for about 20 years.

One thing that took time to realize was that sometimes there are things that don't make sense to me, but instead of trying to interpret them and make them make sense, I have to just describe as they are without trying to give it meaning or find the logic.

A person may be speaking physics in music. An object may be two separate things at the same time.

It makes zero sense. Before, I'd try long and hard to find an explanation. Now I just accept it just is. I draw and describe it trying to be an objective narrator, without interpreting it or assigning it a meaning.

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