The original post details can be found below for posterity:
Author: United_Grapefruit_93 (Link)
Flair: +12 (Beginner Trader)
Title: [WTS] Carlsons 12g Turkey Choke for Beretta and Benelli Mobil
Bought for a new shit stick, turns out it’s the wrong choke. Hasn’t even been threaded into a barrel. I bought the shit stick used and it had a choke seized in the barrel. Used the wrench to solve that problem. Just bought about a week ago. I paid more but it’s about $50 cash or trade value.
Might be up for trades, 30rd pmags, 20rd straight surefeed aluminum mags, I’m thinking I actually need a remington 12g pro bore turkey choke, could be up for other goon shit.
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