The year of the graves: How the world’s media got it wrong on residential school graves

There’s a reason there is zero drive to exhume any remains. And why you don’t hear about “mass graves filled with murdered children”. Hell, why you don’t even hear about the story at all anymore.


There were no mass graves, at least none with any actual proof yet. There were no murders, at least not on the scale that was implied when the story broke.

What we have found is long forgotten, 80-200 year old cemeteries filled with children who died of diseases and malnutrition that was extremely common and plagued frontier communities for centuries. Did this impact reserves harder? Most definitely, you could debate all day that more aid could have been provided. But if you look at the child mortality rate (which includes the child colonizers), it was absolutely brutal how many children died from disease prior to 1950.

If there was genocide being committed into the 1990s, we owe it to those kids to exhume them and charge those responsible while they’re still alive. But mark my words, not a single kid will be exhumed because they know that this isn’t the genocide they claimed it was.

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