Your first paranormal experience?

No I wasn't dreaming. I have had other experiences similar as I grew older. One came while I was at the grave sight when we gathered after the sudden death of my Aunt. This time I was an adult.

I remember we were all in a circle with our heads bowed in prayer. The grass was long and it was gently swaying in the breeze. I watched this grass moving and slowly my vision faded and the blackness came. Now I can see everyone from above including myself within this circle. But I was allowing someone else to see through my eyes. That someone was curious at what was going on and was a bit indifferent to it all. From my above advantage possition I looked up. Above me were the clouds but futher I could see a portal with three people viewing this scene. All three were female and I could only identify one. She was the Aunt who had died. I had this extream feeling she was visiting her last time on earth.

As soon as I saw them disappear, my vision again faded to black and slowly adjusted again to the grass swaying in the breeze. I was holding my fathers hand and could tell he thought I was going to collapse. I was very pleased with the vision and wanted to tell the family but I did not. It would have been in poor form to do that.

It was another reconfirmation of the after life. I also had 2 NDES telling me the same thing later in life. I am almost 62 years old now so i,ve had serval adventures within these areas.

If one can acknowledge demons, ghost and spirits then one can acknowledge there is also a surpreme being . I have no doubt about this issue. I have spent a life time trying to figure out the whys and hows behind our need for this life though. And finally came to an answer that satisfies me. :)

May your journey take you on roads less traveled. Only through the tough terrain can we blaze a trail worth following. Good luck my friend on your journey.

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