133 words So the Removed Dialogue from the Me fight was "Those clothes make you look fat" 177 words Changes- Now the dust has settled 201 words What are your most controversial OSRS opinions? 195 words Jesus I see why some people cant find raid teams! 251 words Mod Roq with the smackdown!! 222 words "Fresh Start Worlds" Require New Accounts Because Corporate Knows They Can't do OSRS MTX 385 words Reimagining the Wilderness Experience: A Holistic Approach to the Future of the Wilderness (+ poll in comments) 112 words LMS bots just got a lot more powerful 131 words Dude YOINKED a rune sq from me at nechs and learned a valuable lesson... 125 words Two week ban made my life better 139 words What osrs statement are you defending like this? 139 words Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away! 123 words Less than a day later Jad record gets shattered to 20:13.8 ! Congratulations scythe tech! 401 words Why do you play Oldschool Runescape instead of Runescape 3? 113 words I found the issue with PvP 317 words If the wildy is "dead" then why is it you can't do a single boss, revs, or chaos altar for more than 1 minute without being attacked by pkers? 176 words A Noob's Guide on Guardians of the Rift. 159 words The Wilderness was its healthiest in 2007, and the reasons why are the exact reasons its in poor health right now, and potentially unsalvageable 261 words If the PvP Arena is going to reward content that lets you "skip" quests and minigames, its time for rewards that let you "skip" wilderness content 255 words The PvP Arena