If the wildy is "dead" then why is it you can't do a single boss, revs, or chaos altar for more than 1 minute without being attacked by pkers?

PvP is plagued with ahkers, and has been for many years. I am a “very good” pker and I would like to pk in pvp, however I already know before I even begin that I will get client ags gmauled.

I know you guys are just hive mind bashing pvp but I’ll explain. There are people who have been at ge DH pking every single day for years. You can log out for a year and come back and see one or two names in the exact same spots.

RuneScape’s pvp is winner takes all, there is always an on going risk reward and time expenditure calculator going on.

You don’t understand what two good players going against eachother actually means. It means that not only do I have to sweat my balls off, I have to fight tooth and nail for my one or two opportunities per fight to kill this guy because he is good. You say well obviously, right, what’s the problem? The problem is that my opal bolts are 3.5k a piece, we fight for 3-5 minutes at a time, and it might take 5-10 fights before either one of us actually dies, and even worst, that very well could be me.

Do you want to spend an entire afternoon, use 2k opal bolts and countless brews and restores fighting the same exact guy over and over again? No bro, there is easier loot out there, so you just hop, and when you guys hop into eachother again, you fight again once , but then you hop worlds and generally avoid eachother.

After you fight someone 3-4 times, the same way I would with one of the guys in edge pvp, you already have figured eachother out on how they intend to kill you and probably arent going to die to it, so all you’re doing is wasting time.

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