Mod Roq with the smackdown!!

An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region.

You really went through to the second definition to match your narrative lmfao. You know damn well the law of survival of the fittest is a real thing. And you know in the wilderness predator kills prey. It's literally like you guys want this mechanic of "pvp" to not be "pvp" but you want there to be "pvp" and the money makers to be "easily accessable" without any grinding required.

You guys are literally such piss babies. I am so very glad Jagex is no longer taking you seriously. The amount of negative down votes on the pvp area being a pvp area is so funny to me. You're all mad that you just can't get the skill ceiling down to pk and anything related to pk content here is shunned.

I used to agree until I got into pking and then you realize the toxic ones are people who end up dying to pkers.

I'm very glad that the lgbtq event went unpolled, not that I have a problem with lgbtq individuals, but now jagex is realizing that the same people who pushed for no polled updates, are getting just that and seething over losing 600k and wanting 2m gp pH with minimal risk.

waaaa waaaa I want bosses in singles so that way 1 click teleporting is an option and I can escape easier and make it 13 wilderness so I can tank it easier.

God lmao I will never take this sub seriously again

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