The Wilderness was its healthiest in 2007, and the reasons why are the exact reasons its in poor health right now, and potentially unsalvageable

OSRS is so ridiculously far from the type of game that should be updated around pvp, you people need to go try any # of the pvp games available instead of playing rock paper scissors on this 20 year old game. WoW for example has a very active & actually fun pvp scene.

PVP is easily the least approachable thing in the entirety of osrs & has a very small niche dying playerbase because no one in their right goddamn mind would actually want to pvp in this game. Not to mention a significant portion of duelers only got into it as a form of gambling & RWT, not to pvp for fun.

PVP is looked at through rose lenses from the days of smacking each other waiting to see who will win with a bigger hit when we didn't know shit about this game, high skill pvp is hands down objectively the worst, clunkiest, unfun thing in this whole game.

/r/2007scape Thread