174 words Is is fair for Marxists and other leftists to accuse liberals of being "rightwing" what or why not? 133 words Democrats suck a** at messaging on popular things they do and support. Do you agree/disagree? Do you recommend any change? 195 words Racists, racists everywhere? 202 words Why isn’t it taught in schools how to intact with police 197 words How should a leader whose sense of ethics and prudent leadership is deeply based in religion vote in the USA? Does this end up being something like "vote as if you were an atheist, even if that's clearly terrible?" 122 words Has anyone noticed Republicans aren’t even going through the whole “thoughts and prayers” thing anymore? 120 words What makes student loan debt uniquely eligible for forgiveness rather than any other crippling consumer debt? 165 words What should President Biden do about vaccine corruption? 494 words How do you feel about the forecast that China will overtake the US as the world's largest economy in this decade? 143 words Questions about the role race plays a part in policy, policing, and everday life. 163 words Why is gender politics not exactly what we want to avoid? 135 words Do you come from a liberal or conservative family? 209 words Would bernie sanders have won against trump? 199 words What are your thoughts on the Hunter Biden emails? 513 words Why are liberals more likely to have gone to grad school compared with Republicans? 195 words Is it too late for America? 331 words Trump -> Biden voters or 2016 Trump voters who stay home. Which group will be the largest on election day? 123 words What charismatic celebrity/politician out there now could inspire the same fervor among the same demographic as Trump has? 136 words Is Joe Biden capable of healing America? 160 words How big of a deal would a mental disorder be in regards to the electability and reputation of a presidential candidate?