What should President Biden do about vaccine corruption?

Everyone who gets in line for the vaccine should be given the vaccine. We don't have time for this slow rollout shit. It's taking way too fucking long to vaccinate the elderly and all of the essential workers. Some of them don't even want it.

Any hospital employee who has declined to be vaccinated should be fired. Anyone who wastes vaccine should be investigated and potentially prosecuted.

You know how the feds went after everyone who participated in the January 6 coup plot? We need a similar effort by the feds to straighten this shit out.

We need to turn up on the heat on these medical service providers who are taking their sweet fucking time because they're all vaccinated and safe, so they don't have to worry as much.

The National Guard should be distributing the vaccine to everyone. They know a thing or two about logistics. I would be fine with them going door to door, neighborhood by neighborhood to offer everyone the vaccine.

/r/AskALiberal Thread