Questions about the role race plays a part in policy, policing, and everday life.

I know that people of color face harsher punishments than their white peers. I understand that racism is bigger than what I can currently comprehend.

I just don't think treating people differently based on race, even well intentioned, is a solution.

Ok, see these two statements next to each other might be worth thinking about a bit, OP.

You acknowledge that black people are already treated differently from white people. The starting point here is that these people DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION of being treated normally by the police.

Yet your own solution appears to be, fully knowing that black people have different consequences than your white self, to ignore all that and still call the cops. Evidently telling yourself that throwing these people into a racism system is your version of "fair".

Are you seeing what I'm seeing here?

/r/AskALiberal Thread