Racists, racists everywhere?

It's interesting when I moved back to the USA after being abroad for 10 years I decided to catch up a bit on the local news from my region the mid-hudson valley. From what I remember growing up it was not the best place for racism but it certainly seemed like people were open minded and willing to at least try to understand race issues.

Holy crap the comment sections in the local news sources were so unbelievably racist and hateful I couldn't believe it. I felt truly disgusted. I started going through the profiles of a lot of the commenters and almost all of them were not even living in the region anymore but had retired down south but still felt the need to say the reason why cities like Kingston or Poughkeepsie have failed are due to minorities. Now that I'm back in the area most people I meet are actually pretty awesome so I think its truly that these hateful people just live in these comment sections as they don't have too many people in their life who probably want to put up with it. Or at least that's what I hope lol.

/r/AskALiberal Thread